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Contact UsFrequently asked questions
What type of projects do you do?
Our scope of work includes kitchen remodeling, primary suite remodeling, bathroom remodeling, basements, additions, exterior transformations, window and door replacement and other large remodeling projects.
Project GalleryDo you provide free consultations and budgeting?
We provide homeowners with a free consultation where initial budget ranges are provided.
Schedule A ConsultationHow do I schedule a free consultation with a remodeling expert?
All consultations are performed by Red House Remodeling owner, Ben Trannel. You can request a consultation with Ben through the form on this website or by contacting our office at 515-222-2273.
During what hours can I schedule an appointment?
We will schedule your appointment for the day and time that works best for you. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and evenings and weekends by appointment. You may also contact us anytime via email at steph@redhouseremodeling.com.
Contact UsHow is the price determined for my project?
Price is determined by the size and scope of your project and the level of finish. All of our projects are performed on a fixed-price contract basis.
How long does it typically take for the work on my house to begin?
Schedules vary so it’s best to contact us for current information.
Contact UsWhat payment options do you offer?
We accept cash, checks and online payments.
Are you licensed, bonded and insured?
Sense of Accomplishment Inc dba Red House Remodeling is a REGISTERED contractor in Iowa (Iowa does not offer licensing for general contractors). We use only licensed plumbing, HVAC and electrical providers. In Iowa, a bond is only needed to perform work, if your principal place of business is located outside of Iowa. Our principal place of business is located in West Des Moines, and therefore, we are not required to post a bond with the Iowa Division of Labor. We are fully insured, including workers’ compensation, general liability, property and commercial auto. We adhere to all state, county and city requirements.
Do you provide a warranty?
We provide an industry-leading, two-year warranty on all work we perform. You will also receive various manufacturers’ warranties on the products used on your job.
Do you provide a warranty?
We provide an industry-leading, two-year warranty on all work we perform. You will also receive various manufacturers’ warranties on the products used on your job.
Are you licensed, bonded and insured?
Sense of Accomplishment Inc dba Red House Remodeling is a REGISTERED contractor in Iowa (Iowa does not offer licensing for construction contractors). We use only licensed plumbing, HVAC and electrical providers. In Iowa, a bond is only needed to perform work, if your principal place of business is located outside of Iowa. Our principal place of business is located in West Des Moines, and therefore, we are not required to post a bond with the Iowa Division of Labor. We are fully insured, including workers’ compensation, general liability, property and commercial auto. We adhere to all state, county and city requirements.
How do I schedule a free consultation with a remodeling expert?
You can request a consultation through the form on our website or by contacting our office at 222-2273.
What are your rates?
Rates for our jobs vary due to the type of work being performed and the number of hours and materials needed. Depending on the scope of work, we can do it on an hourly or contracted basis.
Do you provide free consultations and budgeting?
We provide homeowners with a free consultation where initial budget ranges are provided.
During what hours can I schedule an appointment?
We will schedule your appointment for the day and time that works best for you, including evenings and weekends. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and evenings and weekends by appointment. You may also contact us anytime via email at steph@redhouseremodeling.com.
What type of projects do you do?
Our scope of work includes everything from small home improvement projects to kitchen remodeling, master bath remodeling, bath remodeling, basements, window and door replacement, deck finishing/building, additions, and other large remodeling projects. Not sure if we do your type of project? Just give us a call. Chances are we can help you, and we’ll do a great job while we’re at it!
What payment options do you offer?
We accept checks.
How long does it typically take for the work on my house to begin?
Schedules will vary based on time of year, so it’s best to contact us for current information.
Schedule a Consultation